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Top career opportunities 在孟菲斯

By Remington College (Posted April 21, 2020)

近年来, there’s been a lot of talk about millennials, from what they like to what they mean for the economy. But, there’s a new generation in town—Generation Z. Gen Zers were born between 1995 和 2010, meaning they are just starting to enter the workforce.

虽然这些年轻人与他们的千禧一代有一些共同的特点,但他们也 differ in important ways.

First 和 foremost, Generation Z are 真正的数字原生代. 92 percent have some sort of 数字足迹. Because of this, they are 优秀的一心多用 和 are used to being globally connected. Z世代也是 competitive 和 entrepreneurial, starting early to achieve goals. Even so, the generation is said to be 出于安全考虑.

田纳西州的孟菲斯是所有人都认为自己熟悉的美国城市之一.  从这座城市强大的音乐影响力和靠近猫王著名的雅园,到孟菲斯动物园等令人兴奋的景点, it’s not surprising Memphis has a 著名旅游景点. 但你知道吗,在研磨城还有许多其他繁荣的领域?

根据 凯文·凯恩, 孟菲斯会议和旅游局的总裁兼首席执行官, Memphis is all set to be the new “it” city. 事实上, 彭博 recently reported Memphis was among the top three U.S. 与10年平均就业率相比, after a thorough analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistic data. 现在, 孟菲斯动量 是惊人的. 圣. 裘德医院正在扩建,新的餐馆正在开业,开发商也对该地区表现出了兴趣.

随着令人兴奋的事情发生,就业机会也会增加! 你准备好了吗?? 有适当的技能,在技术学校接受职业培训, you could be a perfect c和idate when the time comes.


伴随着所有的动作, attractions 和 an incredible atmosphere 在孟菲斯, 难怪这个城市有大量的游客 每年1100万!.

If you’re interested in showing Memphis’ visitors a great time, you should consider a job in this industry. A few career possibilities you can pursue include 酒店经理零售经理孟菲斯的就业集中度都高于美国其他地方.

随着人口老龄化,健康领域在美国变得越来越突出.  From medical administrative jobs to 医疗助理 几乎所有医疗领域的工作需求都在增加. 孟菲斯正在亲眼目睹医疗领域的发展,因为 St的膨胀. 裘德医院计划在六年内创造1800个新工作岗位.

如果你喜欢照顾别人,你应该考虑在这个行业工作. You might consider pursuing a healthcare support occupation, which account for more than 14000个工作岗位 在孟菲斯.


由于地处东南部,田纳西州的天气变化无常. A very prominent field in this location is 暖通空调. 根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 孟菲斯有1分,650 people employed as heating, 空调, 和 refrigeration mechanics, a higher concentration than elsewhere.

If you enjoy problem solving, 把问题看到底,用双手解决, you should consider a job in this industry. 一个职业可能性是 暖通空调技术人员.

With all of the growth Memphis businesses are experiencing, someone needs to keep things running smoothly. 根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics, the city’s highest number of workers at 99,090人, are in office 和 administrative support positions.

如果你做事有条理、专注,你应该考虑一下这个行业的工作.  A few career possibilities you can pursue include: administrative assistant, 办公室文员簿记员.


[i] Employment is not guaranteed for students or graduates.